
Education in Bachelors of Law

The Bachelor of laws also known as Legum Baccalaureus, abbreviated as L.L.B., and rarely L.I.B. The “LL” of the abbreviation of the degree is lex, law. These degree originated at the University of Paris. The teaching of law in any university is for philosophical and scholar purposes and not meant to prepare one to practice law. These law is the because of the lack of standardization of study and of objective standards for appraisal of these apprenticeships, and the role of universities became subsequently of importance for the education of lawyers in the English speaking world.
The original method of education at the Inns of court was a mix of moot court like practice and lecture, as well as court proceedings observation for the students.
William Blackstone became the first lecturer in English common law at the University of Oxford. A study of law in the university basis, where concentration on foundation principles can be had the instead of concentration in detail and the procedures had through apprenticeship and the Inns of Court. The Inns of court is a continued less effective and admission of the bar still did not require any significant educational activity and examination.
·         Promoting independent learning
·         Providing a wealth of resources
·         Offering expert guidance in law
·         Developing ‘transferable’intelluctal skills
·         Enabling to develop critical awareness
·         Understanding the language of law

In most common law conturies with the exception Canada and the United states, the Bachelor of Laws programme is generally entered directly after complexion of secondary school.
Upon the completion of the L.L.B degree, graduates are generally qualified to apply for membership of the bar or law society.
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