
Scientists discover epilepsy drug using Zebrafish

The researchers noted that Zebrafish carrying a mutation in the Scn1 a gene displayed many characteristics off children with DS such as spontaneous seizures. Baraban aand coll developed an automated drug screen to idntify the treatments effectively the symptoms of DS in zebrafish, observing that clemizole most effectively inhibited seizure activity. Its a personalised research using genetic information from individual patients.
Baraban is the first pioneered the idea of using the small, translucent zebrafish to test drugs for epilepsy in 2005. The zebrafish's genome is 80 percent identical to the human genome. The better understand the effects of a certain drug, researchers place the zebrafish larvae, its a no longer than a human eyelash into petri dish baths filled with that drug.

                   The Scientists discover the epilepsy of the drugs was made by the screening hundreds of government approved drugs in animals with the same genetic mutation as children with the disorder. The typical animal model for screenings drug as researchers used an unlikely test subject for their experiment Zebrafish. According to the researchers, the anthiihistamine known as clemizole could be the first line approach for reducing the effects of Dravet Syndrome- a condition with a very limited treatment options in good condition.
Baraban's team tested a random assortment of 320 compounds in a chemically library of drugs that had already been approved by the food and Drug Administration.
Baraban said, "So genetic forms of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's they can all be modeled in Zebrafish and used in drug screening.
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